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Guy’s a pro. I don’t understand the question, and I won’t respond to it. No, I did not kill Kitty. However, I am going to oblige and answer the nice officer’s questions because I am an honest man with no secrets to hide. It’s a hug, Michael. I’m hugging you. Steve Holt!
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As you may or may not know, Lindsay and I have hit a bit of a rough patch. I don’t criticize you! And if you’re worried about criticism, sometimes a diet is the best defense. Oh, you’re gonna be in a coma, all right. I don’t understand the question, and I won’t respond to it. But I bought a yearbook ad from you, doesn’t that mean anything anymore?
Ranked #1 By BEST Magazine
Army had half a day. Steve Holt! I don’t understand the question, and I won’t respond to it. It’s a hug, Michael. I’m hugging you. That’s why you always leave a note! First place chick is hot, but has an attitude, doesn’t date magicians.
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Guy’s a pro. I don’t understand the question, and I won’t respond to it. No, I did not kill Kitty. However, I am going to oblige and answer the nice officer’s questions because I am an honest man with no secrets to hide. It’s a hug, Michael. I’m hugging you. Steve Holt!